Wednesday 7 January 2009

Turkish President Abdullah Gül meets with KAFFED to discuss Circassian issues.

On January 5, the Turkish President Abdullah Gül, met with the Caucasian Associations Federation of Turkey (KAFFED).

Items discussed between the President and KAFFED included the society and current Circassian demands. KAFFED was represented by the President Cihan Özdemir, Vice president Prof. Dr. Erol Taymaz, General Secretary Rahmi Aksu and General Coordinator Cumhur Bal.

In a pleasant atmosphere, KAFFED discussed concerns of the Circassian Diaspora. Some of the more poignant points included, direct travel to Abkhazia, prime time broadcasting in the Circassian language on Turkish Radio and Television (TRT) and including Circassian and Abkhazian language and literature in the University curriculum.

Turkish media, including leading newspapers and news networks covered the meeting.

To read the file that was presented to President Abdullah Gül and additional articles, please click on the links below.

- Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Cumhurbaşkanlığı Makamına Talep Dilekçesi
- Abhazya ve Güney Osetya Hakkında Bilgilendirme yazısı

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