Saturday 12 April 2008

Campaign for "Recognition of Abkhazia"

Campaign for "Recognition of Abkhazia"

You will find below the link for the campaign started by "The Caucasus Abkhazia Solidarity Committee, Istanbul" for "Recognition of Abkhazia".

Although it is Turkish if you want you may put your name below the campaign. "In short: It is stated that the Abkhazians have the natural rights to determinetheir own fate". You will see a box under the text. That is "ABHAZYA'YI TANIYIN" (RECOGNIZE ABKHAZIA).

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Date : 12 March 2008
Issue : 2008/034
Subject: Abkhazia’s Independence


The Caucasus-Abkhazia Solidarity Committee invites the world community to recognize the basic right of self determination of Abkhazian people and independence of Abkhazian state under the extraordinary circumstances caused by the sudden attack of Georgia to Abkhazia.

The Committee was established in August 1992 by the representatives of 7 million Caucasian people living in Turkey as a Caucasian Diaspora to support Abkhazia. This committee is the highest body representing the Abkhazian population in Diaspora, which has been acting as a link between Abkhazia and Diaspora during the war, establishing coordination and information flow between the official agencies, and continues to perform its task since the end of the war, as well. It also informs the governments, relevant ambassadors and representations, international NGOs, and other official organizations on the problems of Abkhazia. We, therefore, would like to bring the view of the Abkhazian Diaspora with reference to the Abkhazian-Georgian conflict and especially the latest developments to your attention. Read more...

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